Meet Marcus Hopkins - our September Employee of the Month
Being the September Employee of the Month was certainly unexpected for our Quotes team member Marcus Hopkins but he absolutely deserved the award.

The season of falling leaves, cold wind and boiler breakdowns has come upon us again, and it is no surprise our teams are busier than ever.
And with the kids back to school, and the winter approaching, it's also the time when the majority of big home renovations take place. It was no surprise that we saw our Logistics & Quotes team member Marcus Hopkins become the September Employee of the Month - he's been keeping on top of a busy job, and organising quotes for customers around the clock.
The winning nomination said:
"Marcus has single handily taken care of Quotes for some time. Having dabbled within the role I can tell you it is not easy, yet he gives his all in every situation. Marcus's commitment to the role is admirable. Although he is too modest to voice it."
Marcus has been part of the Rightio family for about an year and four months but only specialised in high-value Quotes in the last 4-5 months. He's been keeping track of monthly and weekly figures, organising data so it can be easily accessed and evaluated and overseeing large-scale jobs such as boiler replacements and bathroom renovations - from makingsure the engineers are booked to buying parts, and ensuring they're delivered on time.
"At first I didn't know how much things cost, it was all new and stressful but now I have my books on my desk I can check those things, refer to price guides, and I know how to approach each task in the most efficient way.
Of course, when I was offered this job I was really excited but then I realised there are major responsibilities that came with it. So I had to step back, and have a think about how I'm going to achieve all the KPIs. I think discussion is key - I spoke to our Logistics Manager then and ever since I try to make him aware of what I think is the right approach."
A positive change that Marcus has noticed is the attitude of team leaders towards staff, and the way his department is managed.
"I can see the team leaders have become more people-orientated, there is a more friendly, family environment and nice relaxed feeling that allows you to feel human. It's easier to talk to everyone and navigate your way through situations now.
I am motivated by targets - they can be daunting at first but then as you get closer to it it's hard not to want to achieve it, and the incentives keep it fresh and exciting. I've won a couple of funny prizes. I have to say it's the best staff I've worked with."
Being the September Employee of the Month has given Marcus confidence in the decisions he makes, and he admits he trusts himself a bit more now. Outside of work, he admits to "just being a lad", playing football with the mates, and perhaps even going for a cheeky Nando's with the lads. Well, who wouldn't?
With his £50 Amazon voucher Marcus bought a PS4 Headset as a little treat for himself - after all winter is coming, and the football pitch seems a bit less welcoming at this time of the year.
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